Thomas U. Fosseli is a Production Designer with several years of experience with scenography and set design. He holds courses in digital tools like SketchUp and Photoshop for schools, companies and individuals.

Courses and workshops:
Courses and workshops are available upon request.
Sessions can accommodate either 1-on-1 instruction or groups of up to 6 individuals (4 recommended). Participants are required to provide their own equipment, software, and venue. Alternatively, sessions can be conducted digitally via Zoom.
The full-day course is 6500 kr (6 hours inclusive of breaks), while the half-day rate is 4000 kr (3 hours inclusive of breaks). (This is the total amount for up to 6 participants). I tailor the curriculum according to specific needs and offer a diverse range of expertise in Sketchup and Adobe software.
Got a specific challenge or question? I also offer 1-on-1 video guidance is 500 kr per half hour. (max 3 hours)

Kurs og workshops tilbys etter forespørsel. Økter kan gjennomføres enten som én-til-én-undervisning eller i grupper på opptil 6 personer (4 anbefales). Deltakerne må selv sørge for nødvendig utstyr, programvare og lokale. Alternativt kan øktene holdes digitalt via Zoom.
Heldagspris for kurs er 6500 kr (6 timer inkludert pauser), mens halvdagspris er 4000 kr (3 timer inkludert pauser). (Dette er totalt beløp med opptil 6 deltakere.) Jeg tilpasser pensum etter spesifikke behov og tilbyr bred kompetanse innen Sketchup og Adobe-programvare.
Har du et spesifikt kort lite problem du lurer på eller sliter med? Det er det mulig med én-til-én videoveiledning til 500 kr per halvtime. (max 3 timer)
Video tutorials
You can also follow my YouTube page where i post shorter tips and tricks. Here is my latest video: